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The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Perfect Partner for Event Production

Planning and executing a large-scale event requires a skilled and proficient team. Among the key considerations in building a successful event team is selecting the right live event production partner. While this process may seem daunting, following the steps outlined below will simplify your journey and help you find the ideal partner to bring your event to life.

  1. Identifying Responsibilities of the Live Event Production Company:The first step in finding an event production partner is determining the crucial tasks that need to be executed for your event. These responsibilities will vary based on the type of event you are planning, be it corporate events, brand experiences, conferences, sporting events, concerts, or festivals. Questions to consider when defining these responsibilities include:
  • Do you require sound and lighting technicians?
  • Will there be multiple speakers who need to be cued?
  • Is a large crew necessary?
  • Are there any interactive components?
  • Does your venue provide the necessary equipment, or will you need to rent it?
  • Will your event be broadcasted?Being well-aware of the specific requirements you want to outsource to a production company will enable you to establish clear evaluation criteria for selecting a live event production partner.
  1. Setting Evaluation Criteria for Your Search:Before embarking on your search for an event production partner, it is crucial to establish clear evaluation criteria. This should include broad considerations such as location, budget, and timeline, as well as more specific needs like partner responsibilities, experience, niche expertise, partnerships, and certifications. To help you get started, refer to this comprehensive guide on creating evaluation criteria for choosing a live event partner.
  2. Researching Event Production Companies:When commencing your search, it is essential to utilize the right channels. While a Google search might be instinctive, it is not always the most efficient way to gather information. Instead, consider consulting your network and browsing online event company directories like “Top Event Agencies: The Ultimate Directory” and “The Event Marketer It List.” These directories feature pre-vetted live event production agencies, offering a higher likelihood of finding a quality match. Begin your search with broader criteria such as agency location or industry, gradually narrowing down your options to a shortlist of the top choices.
  3. Evaluating Your Options:Once you have a few top candidates, it’s crucial to compare how well each company aligns with your needs. Here are some examples to guide your evaluation process:
  • Ability to work within your budget: Look for a partner willing to work with your budget, indicating their investment in your project.
  • Specific expertise: Identify partners with relevant experience in your type of event, industry, audience, company, or venue.
  • Crew size: Consider whether the partner has a sufficiently large crew to handle your event and discuss arrangements for additional freelancers if needed.
  • Equipment rental: Determine whether the production company provides equipment or if you need to handle the rental process independently.
  • Strong communication skills: Communication is critical, so assess each candidate’s ability to understand and update you throughout the production process.
  • Likability: Choose a partner with whom you can foresee a positive and enjoyable working relationship.
  • References: Conduct a background check by reading case studies, reviews, and testimonials online, and seek recommendations from your network.
  1. Selecting Your Live Event Production Partner:After contacting and thoroughly evaluating each candidate, you will likely have a clear understanding of who is the best fit for your event. If the decision is not evident, consider re-evaluating your initial criteria and outlining new requirements and evaluation criteria. Take time to reflect on which event production company best meets your needs. If necessary, expand your research before making a final decision. Remember, choosing the right partner is crucial for a successful event.
  2. Selecting Your Event Production Tech Stack:After choosing your live event partner, it is essential to optimize your event’s success by implementing the right live event technology. Traditionally, event producers rely on spreadsheets, emails, text messages, dropbox links, and printouts, creating a disjointed workflow. By adopting event production software like Shoflo, you can streamline communication and collaboration, simplifying the pre-production process and ensuring the smooth execution of your vision.

With these guidelines, you are now equipped to find the perfect partner for your live event production needs. Remember, selecting a production company is just one aspect of the event production process.

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